Promoção de Direitos Sociais e Inclusão

Defendemos a justiça social e a inclusão para todos.

Apoio Cultural

Incentivamos a expressão artística e cultural.

Desenvolvemos iniciativas para comunidades vulneráveis.

Promovemos conscientização e mudanças de políticas públicas.

Justiça Social
Inclusão e Diversidade

Fabrimac Fabrica de Maquinas e Componentes Caxias LTDA

Defendemos direitos sociais e promovemos inclusão, justiça e cultura para todos, atuando em políticas públicas e iniciativas artísticas que fortalecem comunidades vulneráveis.

A diverse group of people are gathered for a protest or awareness event, holding various colorful signs advocating for disability rights and inclusion. Some signs have text promoting the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in sports and society, with messages like 'I want to turn my disability into ability' and 'Support Disability Rights.' The participants appear engaged and passionate about the cause.
A diverse group of people are gathered for a protest or awareness event, holding various colorful signs advocating for disability rights and inclusion. Some signs have text promoting the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in sports and society, with messages like 'I want to turn my disability into ability' and 'Support Disability Rights.' The participants appear engaged and passionate about the cause.



Inclusão e Justiça

Cultura e Arte

Nossos Serviços

Defendemos direitos sociais e promovemos inclusão e justiça para todas as comunidades vulneráveis.

Apoio Cultural

Desenvolvemos iniciativas artísticas e culturais, fortalecendo a expressão e diversidade nas comunidades locais.

A person dressed in a colorful costume with makeup holds a sign advocating for justice in a crowd of people at a daytime gathering. The scene is lively, with numerous individuals in the background wearing casual clothing, and a bright sun casting shadows on the ground.
A person dressed in a colorful costume with makeup holds a sign advocating for justice in a crowd of people at a daytime gathering. The scene is lively, with numerous individuals in the background wearing casual clothing, and a bright sun casting shadows on the ground.
Mudança de Políticas

Trabalhamos para promover a conscientização e influenciar políticas públicas que beneficiem as comunidades mais necessitadas.

A red poster with white text is pasted on a weathered concrete pole. The background features a pedestrian crossing, suggesting an urban setting. The text on the poster promotes values of decency, equality, and social justice.
A red poster with white text is pasted on a weathered concrete pole. The background features a pedestrian crossing, suggesting an urban setting. The text on the poster promotes values of decency, equality, and social justice.

Projetos Sociais

Promovemos inclusão e justiça social através de diversas iniciativas.

A group of people are marching down the street, holding signs with social justice messages. They are walking past a bus with the destination 'Grand St' displayed. The participants appear united and purposeful as they hold their fists in the air.
A group of people are marching down the street, holding signs with social justice messages. They are walking past a bus with the destination 'Grand St' displayed. The participants appear united and purposeful as they hold their fists in the air.
Cultura e Arte

Apoiamos iniciativas culturais e artísticas, fortalecendo a diversidade e a expressão criativa nas comunidades.

A group of people are participating in a protest or march. They are wearing masks and holding signs with messages advocating for racial justice and equality. Many participants are wearing t-shirts with supportive slogans for Black culture. The setting appears to be an urban area with buildings and trees visible in the background.
A group of people are participating in a protest or march. They are wearing masks and holding signs with messages advocating for racial justice and equality. Many participants are wearing t-shirts with supportive slogans for Black culture. The setting appears to be an urban area with buildings and trees visible in the background.
Mudança Social

Trabalhamos para conscientizar e transformar políticas públicas que beneficiem as comunidades vulneráveis.

Entre em Contato

Estamos aqui para ouvir você e promover a inclusão. Entre em contato para saber mais sobre nossas iniciativas e como podemos ajudar.


(54) 4009-9899
